Discovering the potential in all of us.

Solid Rock is a Christian-based, family-owned agency that supports adults with developmental disabilities.

Headquartered in Chardon, Ohio, and serving Geauga and the surrounding counties.

Welcome To

Solid Rock On Which We Stand

Solid Rock On Which We Stand is a local, family-owned agency that cares for individuals with developmental disabilities in Geauga County. Established in 2011 by Justin and Tiffany Smetana, we offer Adult Day and Community Programs that support the growth and development of each individual. 

Our mission is to provide exceptional community-based services to those with developmental disabilities and offer a positive work experience for our staff by creating a nurturing family atmosphere focusing on Jesus’ teachings to love and respect all.

Loving everyone as they are created.

What we do

We offer various services.

Adult Day Support Program

Employment & Job Coaching

Representative Payee Services

Transportation Services

Come work with us

Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of others? This act of service will change you forever.


Boundless possibilities through meaningful relationships.

Friend with apple on head